« Ivy and blue sprayer »

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A small blue sprayer and a green ivy. The day is so nice…

« 2nd Tenbosh Flower »

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And the another try of my last escape in the parc Tenbosh in Ixelles Brussels. Yours

« Tenbosh Flower »

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Yesterday afternoon, after going to Mc Donald’s, I was with my daughter in the parc Tenbosh in Ixelles. Nice flower isn’t it ?

« Red Passion »

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Some flowers from my terrace in Brussels. I planted it in April. Gorgeous today : 28 degrees celcius !

« Apples for Philéa »

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My daughter always wants apples as desert. Maybe this is the only fruit she likes ? I am not sure. Enjoy !

« Cabinet of curiosities »

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My wife’s shells collection. Sounds like a cabinet of curiosities, huh ?

« Opera Rendez-vous »

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Just a composition with an old black wired phone, an illustrated book and the wonderful opera binoculars from my grand father.

« History of the Heron »

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I own this adorable Heron, made in a sort of babbit alloy and placed on a round marble. This picture is made with a nice composition of old books I loved.

« Faded Rose »

Some days ago, my 6 years daughter wanted me to buy her a rose at a local shop. She explained me that I always buy flower to her mother and never to herself. Now, the rose is faded and I try to make with it a nice composition !

« Time for the French insight »

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An old small clock and beautiful bookbindings.